April 2014 updates
05 April 2014

Our planned trip to the Erne system in August is building up a lot of interest and events for the participants are being organised. The start will be at the "Riversdale" premises in Ballinamore on the August Bank Holiday weekend, and concludes in Enniskillen on the last weekend of August. It would be appreciated if intending participants would make their intentions known as it will help in planning if they do so. Co-ordinator is Tom Bailey This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Our sincere gratitude to Brian Crawford for taking on the task of producing a newsletter which had been dropped by the association a couple of years ago. The next issue is in production so please get your articles to Brian ASAP.

The subject of the Waterways Ireland proposed bye law changes is still very much a live issue. On 25th March the Association appeared before the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Environment, Culture and the Gaeltacht having submitted in advance a statement outlining our views. A link to the proceedings is here.

A link recently posted on our forum to a website "Hull Barges and Docks" will keep the enthusiasts happy for hours , a really great collection.

A short film from the Yorkshire Film Archive is also worth a look.

There is growing use of canals by people other than boaters and fishermen and walkers, a new venture in Daingean Co. Offaly is well worth a look.

In Waterford there has been considerable work on this little known waterway.

Last Updated ( 29 September 2014 )