
Help thy brother's boat across and Lo! thine own has reached the shore. - Hindu proverb

Celebrating Ireland's Floating Heritage

Celebrating Ireland's Floating Heritage

Home arrow Latest News arrow IWAI Shannon Harbour Canal Boat Rally - 2015
IWAI Shannon Harbour Canal Boat Rally - 2015 PDF Print E-mail
09 June 2015
This year's IWAI Shannon Harbour Canal Boat Rally will be held on 19, 20 and 21 June with the JD McFaul as Commodore's Boat.

Friday evening sees the annual Commodore's reception in the meeting rooms with drinks and finger food from 20:00.

Saturday starts with a coffee morning and registration.  Donna Pryde will be organising some fun and games for Saturday morning - you are warned that a change of clothes will be required!
In the afternoon Hawthorn's Giles and Jill's much anticipated book will be launched.  There will be lots of copies available for sale. This will be followed by the Kiddies BBQ after which will be the Adult BBQ and on-street activity arranged by the crew of JD.
Sunday morning's ecumenical service will be followed by adult competitions, kids sports day, talent show and prize giving.

We hope to see as many of you as possible there to help make this another great event.
As noted above Giles and Jill from Hawthorn will be launching their book.  This tells the story of their journey from their native waters and through some of their time on our system.  Giles is providing the text and Jill has created her record through her drawings.

Last Updated ( 09 June 2015 )
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