
To have a friend in my life like you doesn't mean sailing on a boat without any storms. Rather it means having a boat that can sail in every storm. - Written in 2005 by Babbu Pandu, India

Celebrating Ireland's Floating Heritage

Celebrating Ireland's Floating Heritage

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09 June 2015

Meelick Pool CIC - 27/28 June

The visit to Meelick Pool is to draw attention to this section of the waterway that brings the village of Meelick back onto the Navigation.

Meelick village was disconnected from the Navigation by the works associated with the construction of Ardnacrusha. By visiting we hope to get WI to mark the route and once again make it part of the Navigation.

The HBA had a great visit to ‘the Pool’ last year and we expect even greater numbers this year.

The Shop will be the evening venue for music and chat. The music will be provided by ‘Pat and PJ’ and we look forward again to hear the fine voice of a man from Church Bay.

It is hoped to arrange a talk and guided tour of the Meelick Monastic site.

The new ESB road has been extended down to the Middle Dam so people may now take their very small boats on to the isolated section of the Shannon known locally as the ‘Back Shannon’.


Please let Donal know if you hope to attend. 087 2653468 This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Last Updated ( 09 June 2015 )
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