
The person rowing the boat seldom has time to rock it. - Anonymous

Celebrating Ireland's Floating Heritage

Celebrating Ireland's Floating Heritage

Home arrow Latest News arrow February 2015 - Updates
February 2015 - Updates PDF Print E-mail
23 February 2015

From 22-01-2015
A draft calendar of events has been published. Please take a look. It is the committee's intention to encourage members to travel to places they might not have gone to in the past. We also wish to engage with local communities along the way. Feedback can be sent to any committee member or discussed on the forum (members only link).

New: Standing Order for Membership Fee
Members may find it convenient to pay their membership fee by Standing Order. A form is available in the Contact Us section of the website or directly from this link - SO Form. The completed form should be handed to your bank or. alternatively, you can use the details on the form to set up a Standing Order on-line. Ensure that you inform the HBA Treasurer ( This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it ) that your membership is now being paid by Standing Order. If known please include your membership number in the reference.

It is also possible to make a once-off payment through your bank for the current year's membership fee using the details on the form.

Reminder: Canal Conference
Don't forget to support The Canals of Ireland event organised by the Inland Navigations of Ireland Historical Society in partnership with the HBA. It takes place on Saturday 7th March in Tullamore. For more details see the Programme.

Last Updated ( 23 February 2015 )
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