
Should you find yourself in a chronically leaking boat, energy devoted to changing vessels is likely to be more productive than energy devoted to patching leaks. - Warren Buffett

Celebrating Ireland's Floating Heritage

Celebrating Ireland's Floating Heritage

Home arrow Latest News arrow Proposed Calendar of Events for 2015.
Proposed Calendar of Events for 2015. PDF Print E-mail
22 January 2015

HBA Calendar of Events for 2015.

At our committee meeting on the 7th of January, the following schedule of events has been proposed. It is our intention to try to both encourage members to travel where they might not have been in the past, and also to engage with local communities when we are in a location.

Each event has a member of the HBA as the contact person, and their details are with the event if you want more information or with to indicate that you plan to come along. There will be an email circulated to the membership before each event, giving you more details of what will be happening.

Canals Conference by the Inland Navigation of Ireland Historical Society with the HBA.
Hugh Lynch's Function Room Tullamore.
Sat. 7th March 2015 – One Day Conference.
Donal Boland
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Booking not required.
Talks by members of HBA and INIHS on the Irish Canals.

Ballycommon CIC
CIC from Shannon Harbour to Ballycommon

10th May to 1st June
Ger Bayly
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Please contact Ger if you are intending to come.

Shannon Harbour Rally
19th – 21st June.

Damien Buckley


Please let Damien know if you intend to come.

Meelick Pool CIC

27th-28th June

Donal Boland

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Please let Donal know if you intend to come.

Derg Rally.

11th-18th July

See Derg Rally Website. www.derg.iwai.ie/

Booking required.

Summer CIC

August Bank Holiday Weekend to 15th August.

Starting in Scarriff Harbour, Finishing in Terryglass for Arts Festival. Plan in-between is to visit Limerick, should the conditions be suitable, if not, then a tour of the hidden places on Derg.

Cliff Jeffers


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Please let Cliff know if you intend to come.

Portumna Community Event

Towards the end of September.

Still in planning stage.

Donal Boland

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More info at a later date.

Last Updated ( 22 January 2015 )
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