
Don't test the water by jumping in with both feet

Celebrating Ireland's Floating Heritage

Celebrating Ireland's Floating Heritage

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01 July 2014


The HBA Lough Erne trip is the associations main event this year and interest is building as the time draws near. There has been considerable interest so far and plans are well on the way to make this the success it deserves to be. It is eight years since the HBA travelled to the Erne so watch our progress and read all about it here.

Some news of the canal boats which were recently sold off by Waterways Ireland can be seen on this report.

The recent Shannon Harbour Canal Boat Rally was well supported by members, some words and pictures can be viewed.

Meelick Village hosted a gathering of craft at a newly marked anchorage adjacent to the lock and just a short walk to the village. Pictures and report are here.

This month opened with the passing of Sid Shine in Athlone who lived on the barge " Fox" and previously on Chang Sha. A member since our inception in 2001, he will be deeply missed by the boating community.

Last Updated ( 01 July 2014 )
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