
Jolly boating weather, And a hay harvest breeze, Blade on the feather, Shade off the trees. -William Johnson Cory

Celebrating Ireland's Floating Heritage

Celebrating Ireland's Floating Heritage

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30 October 2013


The National Maritime Museum hosted a “Maritime Heritage Gathering” on Tue. 29th and Wed. 30th of October which had an attendance of roughly one hundred representatives covering a wide maritime spectrum. The opening formalities were followed by participation in up to three of the available working groups. These groups and chairpersons were –

1. Realising the full potential of Ireland’s Maritime Museums…Seamus O’Connor.

2. Preservation of Historic Ships and Traditional Boats….Hal Sisk.

3. Preservation of the Shore Built Maritime Heritage….Donal Hoey.

4. Accessing Irish Maritime History and Maritime Genealogy Sources….Joe Varley / David Snook.

5. Maritime Tourism Networks, Marketing and Communications iniatives…Birgit Faye Roth.

6. Maritime Heritage Partnerships in Joint Projects and Special Exhibitions…Padraic O’Brolchain.

The working group recommendations were presented for discussion and the day concluded with a reception hosted by Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council. A dinner in the National Yacht Club had as guest of honour, Mr. Jimmy Deenihan TD,Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht.

Day two began with a presentation by Beatrice Kelly of the Heritage Council of Ireland followed by a working group plenary session chaired by Marcus Connaughton of Seascapes. Pat Tanner of Southhampton University gave an excellent presentation on digital recording of boats and buildings and after another couple of speakers, the event concluded.

A lot of networking and sharing of valuable information over two busy days.

Joe T.




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