Week 1 update and photos
Itinerary for HBA on the Royal Canal 2013
HBA on the Royal, Week 1 – Richmond to Ballymahon
And so it began – and what a start. Boats had been arriving over previous weekends with the last few of the early fleet arriving in Richmond Harbour on Sat 16th. Greeted with a smile from Paddy on the lock we tucked in for the overnight.
Hard to imagine a better start. For some an early taste of the local hostelry to view Ireland v Italy rugby game – less said the better. Later on excellent fare from Des in the Richmond Inn to fortify us for Sunday’s journey.
For many of us and for our boats this was a first time on the Royal to travel east of the harbour. Sunday was a treat. Plenty of water in the canal, locks with “stretching” room and helpful WI crews along the way ensured all went smoothly and we arrived in Mosstown in time to enjoy the local hospitality on the quay led by Breege Cassidy with her special mulled wine.
Later we made our way up to Newmans in Keenagh where music was provided by Roger and Martha Baker Kenny supported by special guest appearances from the Andys (not this one), Old Man Liver, some local soloists and of course the HBA travelling choral ensemble. We were very well looked after by Kathleen and her staff who plied us with libations and sandwiches. Having made our musical contribution in typically unobtrusive HBA tradition we bade our farewells to the people of Keenagh and headed back to the sanctuary of sleep at a reasonably respectable hour.
Onward on Monday to our haven for the following week at Ballymahon harbour – a feature of the canal is clearly the quality and capacity of the moorings in the harbours – plenty of room for a substantial fleet such as ours. Another incident free if slightly slower day in spots.
Much to look forward to and a great start to what promises to be an exciting trip……to be cont’d……………..

The fleet in Richmond Harbour

4E leads the fleet on the journey east

71M leads Paradijis Vogels

Big Jim (Joe) at Mosstown

A welcome serving of "soup" at Mosstown

74M does its bit for tyre recycling

Pake Bridge - old and new - a very tight turn here

The Iron Lung at Mulawornia

Stern quarters

At rest in Ballybrannigan, Ballymahon
Photos © JT, CR