
A lot of people ask me, if I were shipwrecked, and could only have one book, what would it be? I always say 'How to Build a Boat'. - Stephen Wright

Celebrating Ireland's Floating Heritage

Celebrating Ireland's Floating Heritage

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M Boat - Play at Birr Theatre PDF Print E-mail
03 November 2011


M Boat

The story of a boat delivering Guinness from Dublin to Shannon Harbour in the 1950s

Written & Directed by Eddie Alford


Friday 2 and Saturday 3 December - 8 pm - Birr Theatre


Earlier this year, The M Boat won the top award for Artistic Excellence at The Brighton Fringe Festival (the 3rd biggest in the world after Edinburgh and Adelaide).

Awarding a 5 Star Review, FringeGuru.com said the following: This wonderful show is a panoply of entertainment: it takes in storytelling round a campfire, popular folk songs accompanied by five-stringed banjo (not to mention some of the audience), a comedic troupe of likeable rustic characters and a naïve love story… all told in a quintessentially Irish lilt. And, to this rich mix of ingredients, add Guinness as a big player!

It was an overwhelming night for writer and director Eddie Alford: first, ticket sales exceeded expectation and more chairs had to be brought in; then, at the end, the play brought the house down with an applause beyond his dreams. It’s surely not for the last time though. Go on, join in the fun. It’s highly recommended.

Bookings here: www.birrtheatre.com/programme.shtml



Last Updated ( 03 November 2011 )
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