
Land was created to provide a place for boats to visit. - Brooks Atkinson

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Labour History on Irish Waterways - Snippets 6. PDF Print E-mail
28 October 2011


Labour History on Irish Waterways-Snippets 6 -1952.

Protective clothing for canal workers was always a contentious issue and discussions which took place in late 1952 were perhaps the last on the subject before the cessation of canal transport which was a few short years away.

A letter from M.J.Hayes (staff relations officer) C.I.E. to J.Larkin, Esq., General Secretary, Workers Union of Ireland dated 15th September 1952, outlines the agreed details of the issues to the employees concerned.

CHECKERS: Suit and cap – every year.

Where checkers are required to perform duties out-of-doors, a waterproof may

be issued every three years at the discretion of the appropriate official.

BULKERS: Suit and cap – every year, extra trousers – every two years.

Where bulkers are required to perform duties out-of-doors, a top coat or

Waterproof may be issued every three years.


MASTER AND DECKHANDS: Oilsuit - every two years.

Souwester – every four years.


Master,Firemen,Deckhands and Dredger men: Oilsuit – every two years.

Souwester – every four years.

BANKRANGERS: Waterproof – every three years.


Master, Enginemen, Deckhands. Oilsuit – every two years.

Souwester – every four years.

In a separate letter on the same date, travel facilities granted to Grand Canal Section Inspectors were outlined :

(a) Three free passes per annum available over Corus Iompar Eireann rail system only.

(b) Unlimited Privilege Ticket Orders available over Corus Iompar Eireann rail system only.

BIBLIOGRAPHY : From the Workers Union of Ireland files (C.I.E. Canal Section) lodged at the Irish Labour History Museum and Archive, Beggars Bush, Dublin 4.

Joe Treacy 2012.

Last Updated ( 20 April 2012 )
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