Press Release May 16th 2011
Banagher Harbour is the venue chosen by the Heritage Boat Association to celebrate their tenth anniversary - HBA 10 @ Banagher.
Moored in this historic site, from Saturday May 28 th to Sunday June 6 th 2011, will be the largest gathering of heritage boats in a harbour, since the end of commercial traffic on the Irish inland waterways. On offer throughout the week are events to appeal to everyone in the community.
Over twenty of the Grand Canal Company (GCC) barges together with many other regenerated heritage barges and boats will be on display in the Harbour. Many of these are the old commercial boats that moved large and heavy goods along the canals, rivers and lakes, the motorways of their day. Also in the harbour will be rejuvenated wooden boats, steam tugs, steam yachts, sailing barges and other historic boats.
Each evening in the Crank House starting at 19:30, there will be a different talk on various aspects of the Shannon, her heritage and her historic boats. Entry is free and the public are most welcome.
During the week there will be daily boat trips by Silverline Cruisers with a Birdwatch Ireland Guide on board, to explore the flora and fauna of the River. Newgrange Currach will demonstrate how to build a currach and local teams will compete to build the best one. There will also be fishing and photographic competitions.
Shannonside Sub Aqua Club’s sponsored Fin Swim will be followed by a BBQ open to the public with fun for all the family.
Full details are available from the HBA Website
Contact: Paul Martin, Chair HBA on 087 2523908 or
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Fógra Preasa Bealtaine 16iú 2011
Is í Cuan Beannchar na Sionna atá roghnaithe ag Cumann Bád Oidhreachta mar láthair ceiliúradh a féile 10 mbliana – CBO 10 @ Beannchar na Sionna.
Feistithe ag an suíomh stairiúil seo ó Dé Sathairn an 28iú lá de Bealtaine go dtí Domhnach an 6iú lá de Meitheamh 2011 beidh an cruinniú is mó do bád oidhreachta in aon cuan amháin ó críoch am trácht tráchtála ar uiscebealaí intíre na hÉireann.
Beidh níos mó ná fiche báirsí Grand Canal Company in éineacht le mórán báirsí agus bád oidhreachta eile ar taispeántais in san cuan. D'iompair go leor do na sean bád tráchtála seo earraí mór agus trom suas is síos na canálacha, aibhneacha, agus lochanna, mótarbhealaí an ré sin. San cuan freisin beidh bád adhmad, tug gal, luamh gal, báirsí seoil agus báid stairiúil eile.
Gach oíche i Crank House, ag tosú ag 19:30, beidh caint difriúil ar gné éagsúil don Sionainn, a oidhreacht agus a bád stairiúil. Tá saorchead isteach agus tá fáilte roimh an poiblí go háirithe.
I rith na seachtaine beidh turas bád gach lá le Silverline Cruisers, i éineacht le treoraí ó Birdwatch Ireland, chun fásra agus ainmhithe an abhainn a feiceáil. Beidh taispeántais ag Newgrange Currach ar déanamh Curach agus beidh comórtas idir foireann áitiúil chun an bád is fearr a dhéanamh. Tá comórtas iascaireacht agus fótagrafach freisin.
Tar éis Fin Swim urraithe Shannonside Sub Aqua Club beidh barbaiciú leo, beidh sé oscailte don poiblí le spraoi ann don chlann ar fad.
Tuilleadh eolas ar fáil ar suíomh idirlín CBO ag
Le haghaidh tuilleadh eolas teagmháil le:
Paul Martin, Cathaoirleach CBO, ag 087 2523908
Andy Roche, CBO as Gaeilge, ag 086 2573671
nó pro@heritageboatassociation
