
Help thy brother's boat across and Lo! thine own has reached the shore. - Hindu proverb

Celebrating Ireland's Floating Heritage

Celebrating Ireland's Floating Heritage

Home arrow Latest News arrow Paloma - Falmouth Quay Punt 1895 - abandoned - WI Notice 38/2011 - Apr 2011
Paloma - Falmouth Quay Punt 1895 - abandoned - WI Notice 38/2011 - Apr 2011 PDF Print E-mail
19 April 2011


Waterways Ireland today issued Notice No 38/2011 stating they will be removing nine boats abandoned in Shannon Harbour. Among them is the classic Falmouth Quay punt, Paloma, built c1895.
Paloma was originally used in the south of England to meet the Clipper ships and either pilot them into port or give them their onward orders. Falmouth Quay punts have proven themselves over the years to be sound off shore as well as coastal and inland waterways craft.
Possibly, the most famous of them is Curlew, a similar boat to Paloma. She was home for 32 years to the Carr family. They “lived permanently aboard during which time they circumnavigated the globe, without an engine, winning races around the world despite being fully laden for cruising. They sailed to the Arctic and to the mainland of Antarctica. The Carrs wrote a book about their experiences and Curlew featured in dozens of articles in international magazines. They were awarded the Royal Cruising Club's Seamanship and Tilman Medals, the Seven Seas Cruising Association Award and the Blue Water Medal by the Cruising Club of America. The Carrs eventually settled in South Georgia where Curlew was honoured by being featured on a 40p postage stamp for South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands.” Taken from the National Maritime Museum Cornwall site and featured in their collection of boats. She is also online at BBC history of the world.
Paloma was a member of the Henry family here in Ireland for over 30 years, beginning in 1971. She is featured in the HBA book Fine Lines - Clear Waters and her travels on the inland waterways, described by Victor Henry, are here HBA Paloma the Falmouth Quay punt.
Last Updated ( 19 April 2011 )
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