03 April 2011 |
Boats are on the move all over the inland waterways system. Many are enjoying the results of WI's winter improvement and maintenance programme. Photos please!
There have been many changes to the HBA website recently; the latest is the addition of the Memories section. Here you will find recollections from HBA members and from others further back in time.
In this our tenth anniversary year, the most topical piece in the Memories section has to be Joe Treacy’s account of the launch of the HBA and the Stalwart Four’s trip in 2001 from Clare, Galway and Longford to Dublin for the official Launch of the HBA 2001.
For those of you following the proposed changes to liveaboard moorings, here is a good summary of the situation to date - Residential Boats.
How a well known, former steam tug on the River Suir, made her way from Carrick, Waterford and Wexford to the Shannon and Erne is described here Knocknagow.
When investigating the history of Guinness barges on the Liffey, not a lot is known about how the company transported their product on the Liffey before the mid 1870s. BJG has uncovered a reference to how they did it IWH Liffey before the Lagan.
The Carlow People reports: “Barges sail into town as Eigse launches Tuesday April 12 2011
The Nationalist reports on the planned visit by the Heritage Boat Association to the County Fleadh at Leighlinbridge next Saturday here Heritage Boats to visit Leighlin
Follow the travels of the Three Sisters Fleet as they make their way down the river Spring on the Barrow
Waterways Ireland have just issued Marine Notice No 38/2011 Removal of Craft from Shannon Harbour. There are nine boats on the list including the classic Falmouth Quay Sailing Punt, Paloma, built c1895. Paloma abandoned
The Irish Water Safety tells us of the risk of hypothermia due to the difference between air and water temperature at this time of the year. They also remind us to wear and how to check our life jackets and buoyancy aids here IWS Easter
The owner of this boat describes how he rescued her twenty years ago “was in a very sorry state” and his travels around the waterways since Snocat a Shamrock Catamaran.
Great weekend at the launch of the Barrow 220 Celebrations in Bagenalstown. Listen to Seascapes on Friday April 29th at 22:30 with Marcus Connaughton RTE Seascapes
Last Updated ( 01 May 2011 )