
Noah was a brave man to sail in a wooden boat with two termites. - Unknown

Celebrating Ireland's Floating Heritage

Celebrating Ireland's Floating Heritage

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Feb 2011 - Updates PDF Print E-mail
01 February 2011


Organising HBA events for 2011 is well under way see HBA Events Schedule 2011 and an interesting week long programme planned for the HBA 10 @ Banagher event see Banagher Anniversary Programme.
Some memories of the Three Sisters in 2005.
Members: More pics of Budapest trip have been added in Photo Galleries, Member Photos section.
As part of our Three Sisters Trip this year, we had planned on meandering up the Suir as far as Clonmel - in small boats. BJG had given us a new challenge; recreate the trips of our ancestors, when as far back as 1200 they took cargo from Waterford up river to Athassel, northeast of Cahir. See IWH Stones of Athassel. Boat or car?
If you needed a barge built in the early part of the twentieth century, you might have checked in ‘A Book of Dublin’ see Boat builders 1929
Two photographs of 93E from 1980 have been added to 31M on the Vessels pages. A memo from 1922 was uncovered recently and a copy has been added to the description of 31B.
There will be many opportunities to see exhibitions and demonstrations on our travels as we celebrate the Year of Craft 2011
Good news from the east where Work on Dublin graving docks has started. Note: next work party is on Feb 26th.
Some more labour history snippets from 1920 can be read here Labour Snippets 3.
Read about the Board of Works projects on the Erne in IWH Belturbet boat building.
Many thanks to Mike Clarke for the information included in this piece on the Leeds and Liverpool Barge, Burscough II - see HBA Burscough II.
The Irish Residential Boat Owners Association, formed last year, has just launched its new website - see IRBOA News. “The site is designed to serve as a valuable source of information for people interested in houseboat lifestyles in Ireland and as a resource for members throughout the country”. We look forward to perusing, especially the contributions to the Lifestyle section.


Last Updated ( 28 February 2011 )
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