
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. - Mark Twain

Celebrating Ireland's Floating Heritage

Celebrating Ireland's Floating Heritage

Home arrow Latest News arrow Events - HBA's Schedule for 2011 (updated Jun 9th)
Events - HBA's Schedule for 2011 (updated Jun 9th) PDF Print E-mail
19 January 2011


It promises to be a great year for the HBA with a huge range of events in association with various communities along the waterways. Have a great 2011.
The schedule is, of course, dependant on the vagaries of weather, tide and navigations and does not include any events before the Mar 17th weekend.
Start End Location Event
17/03/2011 20/03/2011 Lowtown HBA Lowtown Gathering with Kildare IWAI
02/04/2011 03/04/2011 Athy HBA Gathering at Ardreigh
09/04/2011 10/04/2011 Carlow Eigse Carlow Arts Festival official launch
15/04/2011 - Coosan IWAI 2011 AGM - Lough Ree Yacht Club 20.00
16/04/2011 17/04/2011 Leighlinbridge County Fleadh 2011
22/04/2011 25/04/2011 Bagenalstown Barrow Navigation 2011 Launch on E.Sunday
21/05/2011 22/05/2011 Graiguenamanagh Boatmen's Reunion & Presentations 2011
28/05/2011 06/06/2011 Banagher HBA 10th Anniversary Celebrations
11/06/2011 12/06/2011 Bahana Woods HBA & Gordon Bennett Rally, evening BBQ
18/06/2011 19/06/2011 Shannon Hbr 40th Shannon Harbour Rally
25/06/2011 26/06/2011 New Ross
HBA Fleet to New Ross & Cheekpoint
29/06/2011 03/07/2011 Cheekpoint Cheekpoint & Tall Ships Festival 2011
09/07/2011 17/07/2011 Lough Derg Lough Derg Rally with IWAI
22/07/2011 24/07/2011 New Ross JFK Dunbrody Festival 2011
22/07/2011 31/07/2011 Shannon IWAI 51st Shannon Rally
30/07/2011 31/07/2011 Inistioge Inistioge Vintage Festival (planning)
01/08/2011 08/08/2011 SSE HBA CIC Week in Sunny South East
01/08/2011 07/08/2011 Shannon HBA CIC Week on Shannon
13/08/2011 14/08/2011 Carrick-on-Suir HBA Small Boat cruise Carrick-Clonmel
05/08/2011 14/08/2011 Kilkenny Kilkenny Arts Festival 2011 (by car)
20/08/2011   Graiguenamanagh HBA Fleet journey north from Graigue
20/08/2011 28/08/2011 Heritage Week HBA at Ballycommon/Kilbeggan, Barrow +
20/09/2011 22/09/2011 Athy National Ploughing Championships 2011


Last Updated ( 15 June 2011 )
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