
To have a friend in my life like you doesn't mean sailing on a boat without any storms. Rather it means having a boat that can sail in every storm. - Written in 2005 by Babbu Pandu, India

Celebrating Ireland's Floating Heritage

Celebrating Ireland's Floating Heritage

Home arrow Photos arrow Ballycommon Canal Renewal Group - Launch - Aug 2010
Ballycommon Canal Renewal Group - Launch - Aug 2010 PDF Print E-mail
29 August 2010


Members of the HBA, IWAI, Kilbeggan Harbour Amenity Group and many people from the environs of Ballycommon gathered to launch the Ballycommon Canal Renewal Group (BCRG), on Saturday August 28th. It was a great turnout, with over 200 people, the majority from the local area, visiting the 107B Exhibition. The exhibition included a description of each of the ten bridges along the Kilbeggan Line.
The boats were moored at the entrance to the Kilbeggan Line, where Waterways Ireland recently upgraded the towpaths and installed gates and stiles, at the request of local people. We were fed well at a great BBQ, the freshly baked goods and ‘Music under the Arches’ were enjoyed by all and the atmosphere buzzed with camaraderie.
Gerry Feery of the BCRG tells us they hope to have the necessary paperwork in place to begin work in earnest over the autumn months. Their plan has two distinct milestones; to clear an allotted area on either side of each of the ten bridges and then to clear the areas in between. Gerry will keep us updated on progress so all those wishing to assist on ‘Work Days’ will have plenty of notice.
In his appreciation of the BCRG, Joe Treacy recalled the HBA’s first trip to Ballycommon in 2001. On the way back from the inauguration in Dublin at the Canals Conference, it was the first event given HBA support and it was decided at the time to make it an annual event.

Every good wish to Gerry, Sharron and the members of the BCRG. We’ll be back - in wellies and in boats!

The write-up in the Tullamore Tribune gives details of attendees and their good wishes at this very special event - see image below.


Photos by Holly Farrell, Conor Nolan, Joe Treacy and others

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See also Offaly Tatler BCRG and Offaly Tatler BCRG 2


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