
Noah was a brave man to sail in a wooden boat with two termites. - Unknown

Celebrating Ireland's Floating Heritage

Celebrating Ireland's Floating Heritage

Home arrow Photos arrow HBA on the Shannon - June - July 2010
HBA on the Shannon - June - July 2010 PDF Print E-mail
17 June 2010


The sun shone on the western end of the Grand Canal for the 2010 Shannon Harbour Rally. Thirty of the boats that attended belong to HBA members. In July many of the HBA boats on the Shannon attended a very succesful Lough Derg Rally and may have set a record for the number of vessels on a Barge Raft. Well done and many thanks to all involved in both events and for the great welcome.

Others visited Lough Allen and the the Ernes and later made their way to Lough Ree for the 50th Shannon Rally.

Photos by Tish Enright, Conor Nolan, Joe Treacy and others

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Last Updated ( 05 December 2010 )
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