
Help thy brother's boat across and Lo! thine own has reached the shore. - Hindu proverb

Celebrating Ireland's Floating Heritage

Celebrating Ireland's Floating Heritage

Home arrow Vessels arrow Bye-Trader Boats
Bye-Trader Boats
B 31B.jpg Boats originally built as Bye-trader or Hack Boats
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Date Item Title Hits
24 February 2009 4B - Bye Trader - Portadown 1912 9102
02 November 2008 96E - The Enterprise - Bye Trader - Dublin 1922 7485
15 October 2008 118B - Bye Trader - Dublin 1939 6969
15 October 2008 Fox - Bye Trader - Dublin 1937 5748
13 October 2008 107B - Bye Trader - Dublin 1929 7909
01 October 2008 103B - Snipe - Bye Trader - Dublin 1928 6907
01 October 2008 95B - Bye Trader - Portadown 1919 6517
01 October 2008 42B - The Snark - Bye Trader - Portadown 1913 8677
01 May 2008 31B - Williams & Woods - Bye-Trader - Portadown 1910 10604
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